Savoring Every Byte: Millennials and Gen-Z Online Recipe Habits
In an era where the internet shapes not just information but also lifestyle choices, understanding the nuances of a younger generation’s online recipe habits is necessary for food and beverage brands.
The exploration between millennials, Gen-Z, and their recipe consumption is crucial for companies who want to offer culinary experiences that resonate with the preferences and behaviors of these demographics.
This exploration guides marketing strategy for food and beverage brands and builds a deeper understanding of the evolving relationship between technology, taste, and the “new” foodie.

Discovering New Recipes: Millennials vs. Gen-Z Trends
Before we dive into the differences between these two demographics, it’s important to understand what makes each generation unique in their approach to discovering new recipes.
Millennials, born between the early 1980s and mid-1990s, are known for their tech-savvy nature, seeking convenience and valuing health-conscious choices.
On the other hand, Gen-Z, born from the mid-1990s to early 2010s, represents the first generation to grow up in a fully digital era, with a bias toward instant gratification and a strong inclination toward culturally explorative dishes.
Why Recipes Are Still Relevant
Recipes have never been more relevant because they are so easily accessible. Younger generations may not spend as much time in the kitchen as the generations before them did, but they are just as likely to use a recipe when making food at home.
From exploring global flavors to learning new food hacks and staying in for a delicious meal with friends, younger generations are interested in finding and using recipes. The key to developing engaging marketing strategies for these two unique generational segments is to look at what each group prioritizes when searching for recipes.
Exploring Flavors
Gen Z is the most diverse generation that America has seen, and as a result, the interest and desire to experiment with global flavors is at an all-time high. Gen Zers are not only open to new flavors and textures; they prefer it and seek out those meal choices. Recipes that share unique ingredients and techniques are the winners of this group.
Millennials are less interested in global flavors. For them, familiar and comforting tastes often take precedence. While they appreciate diversity, this group tends to lean toward tried-and-true flavors that evoke nostalgia. Traditional recipes that evoke “cozy” and “comfort food” are the winners for this group.
Food Hacks
Gen Z is particularly interested in food hacks. EY reported that 52% of Gen-Zers say they are worried about “not having enough money,” and 39% report that they are “afraid of making the wrong choices with their money.” Nearly half of those surveyed said they had a traditional job and a side hustle to earn more money. Recipes are helpful when focused on affordable ingredients and basic cooking tools.
Millennials hold a similar view. While millennials are more likely to eat at home, they too want a food hack — rather than saving money, millennials want to save time. This demographic is the most likely to buy from meal delivery companies because they want to eat at home quickly and efficiently. Recipes are helpful when focused on a few ingredients and a short cooking window.
Company, Yes or No?
Gen Z is interested in sharing their meals with a significant other or a friend. This demographic is more interested in intimate gatherings and less likely to host large groups or have their own family (spouse and kids). Creating recipes that can be made for a single person or a small group (think 2-3 people) works best for them.
Millennials are more likely to cook solo or cook for a larger group, such as their family or a large dinner party. They are less likely to host smaller intimate gatherings of 1-2. Creating recipes that can be made for a single person or a large group (think 5-8 people) works best for them.

Gen-Z Recipe Marketing Strategies
So, your target demographic is Gen-Z. This is where you want to put the most marketing power and where you’re willing to spend most of your budget. Hitting Gen-Z, where they spend the most time, means making videos for TikTok and cultivating an active presence on the platform. It also means tailoring recipes toward affordable and cultural dishes.
TikTok Reigns Supreme
TikTok is the platform of choice for Gen Z, and leveraging its popularity is crucial. Gen Zers use TikTok as an inspirational home cooking source to find new flavors and trends. Everything from short snacks to complex meals is shared with full recipes in the description. The app is an easy way to share food, but most users in this demographic prefer to get their recipes from other “relatable” users. Many food brands focus on sharing recipes through micro-influencers to build a connection that feels more authentic.
Motto: Affordable + Cultural
For brands who want to target Gen Zers on TikTok, remember that these users want affordable meals with a cultural bent. Crafting recipes featuring cost-effective ingredients while incorporating diverse flavors and sharing their cultural influence speaks to this demographic. The emphasis on affordability ensures accessibility, resonating with Gen Z’s value-conscious mindset, while the infusion of cultural elements adds an exciting and relatable dimension to their foodie goals.
Millennial Recipe Marketing Strategies

So, your target demographic is millennials. You want to pour your marketing budget into this demographic and build a strong brand connection. To capture millennial attention, you’re going to need to crack YouTube. You’ll also need to tailor your recipes toward quick and simple dishes.
YouTube is the Clear Winner
Home Run Inn ran a fascinating study in 2023 examining how different generations consume cooking content. They found that 67% of millennials watched cooking videos, with 66% watching cooking videos on YouTube, 16% on TikTok, 9% on TV, and 4% on Instagram.
Shocking to some, millennials are still invested in YouTube (by far) over other platforms when it comes to cooking content. For companies who want their product in front of millennial eyes, YouTube is the clear winner. Content strategy for this demographic should include a content library with recipes on YouTube.
Motto: Quick + Simple
For brands targeting Millennials on YouTube, remember that these users want quick and simple recipes. No fuss, no complicated steps—millennials appreciate efficiency and convenience in the kitchen. Crafting recipes that align with their fast-paced lifestyles resonates well with this group. Creating engaging, visually appealing YouTube videos showcasing these quick and simple recipes will not only capture millennial attention but also work to build a strong brand connection.
Avoid This #1 Mistake
As you set about creating the perfect social media videos for Gen Zers and millennials, avoid this mistake: creating overly polished, heavily corporate-branded content. These generations are sensitive to authenticity and will shy away from anything that feels contrived or insincere.
Instead, focus on capturing their attention and building meaningful engagement through a more genuine and relatable video approach. Opt for conversational tones, spotlight real moments and experiences, embrace user-generated content, and collaborate with influencers who resonate with the target audience.
Putting it into Practice
Understanding the unique preferences and behaviors of these two demographics is paramount for crafting culinary experiences that resonate. From the tech-savvy, health-conscious Millennials to the digitally immersed, culturally explorative Gen Z, the journey through their recipe discovery unveils a rich tapestry of tastes and tendencies. The key lies in authenticity and reliability, steering clear of overly polished, corporate-branded content to foster genuine engagement.
It’s also worth taking time to build on this data set with your own data from customers. Offering coupons or another tier bump on the loyalty reward program can entice current customers to complete simple surveys, giving you more insights to work with while marketing. This direct engagement not only enriches your understanding of customer preferences but also fosters a sense of involvement and loyalty within your customer base.
Data has much to share, and embracing the statistics around millennials and Gen-Z recipe behavior will allow your brand to market food and beverage products effectively. The more you learn about how these consumer bases interact with your market, the more likely you are to create valuable content consumers want. There is no better way to ingratiate yourself with new consumers than by offering helpful, high-quality content. Contact us today, and we’ll work together to create TikTok, YouTube, and webpage content for yummy recipes that feature your products.